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"It's a beautiful thing when a career and a passion come together."

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Influencing Change
Overview: In my innovation plan, I created a blended classroom environment. This blended classroom has enabled me to move recorder...

What's My Why?
Working a district that is now on its 3rd superintendent in 5 years, we have gone through a lot of change initiatives. Most, well in my...

Creating a Significant Learning Environment
Creating a Significant Learning Environment The learning environment sets up the entire teaching and learning experience for both the...

Understanding by Design
When I was first introduced to the Understanding by Design concept, I was quite overwhelmed and was not very confident in my ability to...

Designing a Course with Significant Learning
After reading and reflecting on Fink’s “A Self-Directed Guide to Designing Courses for Significant Learning,” I see the value in truly...

Learning Philosophy
When I first began teaching almost 16 years ago, I would definitely say I entered the field with a very behavioristic point of view. It...

A New Culture of Learning
Wow! So when I first started reading this book, I honestly thought I was going to just get through it. I mean I had to if i wanted to...

Journey to Change
At the beginning of my latest course for my Master in Digital Learning, we were given the challenge of coming up with an innovation plan...

Innovation in the Real World
While traveling home from Montreal, my husband and I had a short layover in New York City. One of the busiest airports in the country,...

E-Portfolios: A Reflection
Why should we use an E-Portfolio? To help us tell, remember, and reflect on our personal, professional, and/or educational story. In...
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