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"It's a beautiful thing when a career and a passion come together."

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Innovation in the Music Classroom: Where My Innovation Plan is Today and What I Hope it Becomes in t
When Dr. Thibodeaux first introduced me to the phrase Disruptive Innovation, I had never heard of it before. My school considers itself...

COVA & CSLE: A Reflection
I went to grade school and even college in a time where students were expected to do whatever the teacher or professor wanted them to do....

Technology I Use in the Elementary Music Room
In my graduate course, I was asked to share tools and apps that I used in my classroom. At first, I hate to admit, I thought that I...

Digital Citizenship: A Reflection of Learning
In this course we discussed the 9 Elements of Digital Citizenship, the Impact of Copyright Laws, with a focus on Fair Use, and...

Digital Citizenship Mantra
Be Kind: Treat others the way that you would like to be treated. Remember there is a real person on the other side of the computer...

This week in my Digital Citizenship class, the topic of discussion was Cyberbullying. As an educator and parent, this week terrified me....

Copyright...A Reflection
Wow! This week's look at copyright was familiar, eye opening and overwhelming all at the same time. As a musician, copyright it...

Digital Footprint
As an elementary music teacher, I have not dealt a lot with learners in a digital setting. I feel like my limited time with them should...

Digital Citizenship
As overwhelmed as I felt at the beginning of this course, I am actually quite eager to read, discuss, and learn as much as I possibly can...

Online Learning - A Reflection
Online Learning can be adapted to many different learning environments by educators and learners. The Constructivist Learning Theory...
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