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Professional Learning Networks

Throughout the years I have been a member of several PLNs. I feel like they are some of the best places to find tried and true best practices for me and my students. 99% of these networks have been for music education, and as I transition to a more digital mindset, I need to look closely at technology or even music technology groups.

My district is big on twitter, and this gives me a great network of educators and digital learning coaches to get ideas from. We also use Schoology in my district. This gives me a HUGE amount of resources and contacts. More often than not, they are not in subjects that I need for my classroom. As a PLC, profession learning community, district we also have groups that meet all over the district. I am a part of our music educators group, which is made up of our 10 elementary music educators. We only meet 4-6 times a year, but in those meetings we share, troubleshoot, and help each other in so many ways. We are currently writing a new music curriculum for our district. It has been a stressful, but fun learning experience that has put my new faith in the growth mindset to the test.

A few Professional Learning Networks that I currently am a member of or have been at one point in time:

TMEA: Texas Music Educator's Association: This is a PLN of just about every K-12 and beyond general music, choir, band, orchestra and church music director in the state of Texas. I have been a member since I was a Junior in High School. This organization produces a magazine each month with brief articles about our field. They have a HUGE convention every year where exhibitors for all over the country share the latest trends in music and presenters share their ideas and music lessons. I have been to the convention as a participant about 14 times, but have never presented.

TCEA: Texas Computer Education Association: I was a member of this group for a couple of years, but was never able to really investigate or get involved. As a music teacher, the technology aspect or teaching always played second fiddle. I loved reading some of their articles and always wished I could go to their big convention or some of their workshops.

Midnight Music: . I have only looked at the website and followed twitter/facebook posts, but this group has a lot of very useful and helpful ideas for integrating technology into the music room.

TI:ME Technology Institute for Music Education: This group has a conference alongside the huge TMEA convention. I have not gotten to go to as many sessions as I'd like because it would require one more day away from my students. :-/ My dream is to do a presentation for them someday. This group shares information the specifically addresses technology in the music classroom. Sometime the information is too basic for my interest, but with so many members, there are always new ideas, apps, or technology equipment that are being shared.



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