Digital Citizenship: A Reflection of Learning

In this course we discussed the 9 Elements of Digital Citizenship, the Impact of Copyright Laws, with a focus on Fair Use, and Cyberbullying. I really enjoyed comparing Digital Citizenship to just being a good citizen. Does the digital world need its own definition of citizenship? I think at this point in time, it does, but eventually the two definitions could easily be combined. Shouldn't we use those same character skills we use in our face-to-face world when we are in the digital world? Of course, but all too often we forget that we are still dealing with real people.
My biggest accomplishment in this course was actually recording my Powtoon Animation during the 2nd week. I have a horrible anxiety about speaking and recording myself. I have avoided it at all costs, but took this assignment and overcame that fear. I wrote a detailed script, recorded myself with Garageband, and then created slides and animations to match my script. I survived, and ended up with a video that, although not perfect, is something I don't mind sharing. Maybe that growth mindset is starting to really take hold.
The biggest challenge in this course was navigating, reading, understanding, and retaining a HUGE amount of information. There was A LOT of important information, and I have saved links and important documents to review again without impending deadlines, because I know there is so much more information that I need to know and understand about digital citizenship, especially in the area f copyright.
The Powtoon video was probably my best work up to this point in this course. I am still working on my final presentation, but I really enjoyed creating the Powtoon. I learned that if I really put my mind to something, I can do it, even with extreme anxiety. On the topic of digital citizenship, I also learned that I really need to increase my POSITIVE digital footprint. I have been extremely careful in the past to not leave much of a public footprint, but it today's digital world, a footprint is not bad, if well thought out and planned. I have great ideas and I need to share them.

The information about Cyberbullying really hit me. I have a 9 year old daughter that is extremely sensitive and prides herself on making other people happy. The idea of social media and the often cruel things that are said, terrifies me for her. I can protect her from it for a little while longer, but I'm eventually going to have to loosen the leash a bit. I am very thankful to have read all the information and to have been able to save all of the resources. I need to start preparing her about how to deal with these issues before they can ever begin.

As a musician and music educator, the copyright information is quite useful. We are ALWAYS using other people's materials in class, and understanding the fair use laws and how I can use materials legally is important for me to understand. I do still have lots of questions, but I am much farther along in my understandings of copyright than I was at the beginning of this course.
I have learned that digital citizenship is something that MUST be taught to EVERY student, no matter what their age. Kids are growing up in a world of technology, but are not always being taught the personal responsibilities that go along with these devices and tools.
My favorite aspect of this course is that all of the information is practical and can be used immediately. Every topic was applicable to both my school and home. I feel like we often get caught up in philosophical discussions that don't always have an immediate impact, but this course shared real world examples of a real world problem that desperately needs to be solved.
My advice for future students is to soak up as much knowledge as you can, but remember that you can save information to review again later. I would also recommend not procrastinating in this course. I AM THE WORST, but if I had waited for the last minute to do the assignments in this course, I don't think I would have come close to finishing everything.
I would probably take out the animated video we made during the second week of the course. I loved creating it, but I feel like our final presentation is almost a recreation of it (with more information) but created in any format we choose. It makes it feel a little less authentic and more like busy work.
I highly recommend taking this digital citizenship course!! Every person that touches any sort of technology should take a digital citizenship class, especially our youngster. If every person in the world could truly understand the consequences and positive outcomes associated with digital footprints, copyright, and cyberbullying, this world would be a better place.